Litera Heritage School

Academic Programmes

At Litera Heritage School, education is not just about learning subjects like mathematics, languages, Science and History but more about identifying and developing awareness about one’s self and the world around us. The course outline is a judicious mix of rich Indian culture with the best learning methodologies from around the world, ensuring all round education and creating a zest for learning in the very lap of nature, away from the commotion and pollution of the city.
Presently, there are classes from Playway (starting at Age 3 onwards) to Standard XII. The school aims to impart important soft skills to its students such as right attitude for continual learning, specific behavioural skills and encourages innovative thinking. The broader aim is to bring out the hidden potential of every individual child so that they can fulfil their ambitions and goals in life.
Litera Heritage School follows the curriculum prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi and National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT).


The objective of the primary programme is to build a firm foundation for lifelong learning. A child’s early learning experiences help shape his/her outlook on life and powerfully influence his/her style of learning & behaviour.
Proper redressal of adolescence predicaments is necessary to produce emotionally balanced adults. The school career guidance and counselling cell has been revamped in consonance with changing competitive scenario. It keeps our students informed of all competitions and career opportunities. Our objective is to help the students to realize their potential and talents to the maximum.
The corner stone of our early childhood programme is based on the fact that each child has unique potential which needs to be tapped through his/her unique learning style. The primary curriculum is delivered through the ILLUME approach. By planning learning opportunities with your children’s unique personality styles in mind, we nurture their positive feelings about themselves.
We help them learn what they are good at, what they enjoy and what makes them feel good about themselves. The integrated method is holistic and child-centered with no arbitrary compartmentalization of subjects. It seeks to give a complete experience to your child within his/her range of experience and understanding. The approach goes a long way towards shaping a wholesome and healthy personality and it gets him/her prepared for the middle school.


The main objective of middle school curriculum is to help the children make connections between the meaningful experiences in life and the courses of study. Math may be used while shopping, during games and making deals, science reveals things that are seen in the world around, social sciences add a meaning to the past. The student is ready to be an active contributor to his/her own life and is ready to discover more. They are no longer just learning to read, they are reading to learn.
The curriculum builds on the primary stage, and develops children’s concepts and knowledge in Mathematics, English, Science, Humanities and local languages. With an integrated package of teaching, learning and assessment through the Litera Octave approach, the child is directed towards independent learning, and is guided to take responsibility.


During this stage, the main objective is to hone the knowledge and skills gained at the Middle school. The move from middle to secondary school is a major milestone for your child. It’s a time of big changes in their development, education and life. You can have confidence that your child’s future is in good hands in at Litera Heritage School. We are committed to ensuring we are giving our kids the education that industries will need, and the skills that employers will expect them to have.

Higher Secondary

The Higher Secondary School offers students the opportunity to tailor their studies according to their individual interests, abilities and future plans within the national curriculum framework. The students are guided to choose subjects based on their interests and future plans, be it Commerce, Science, Arts or Medical with the respective elective subjects of their stream